
Aledade Nation Update

February 29, 2024

February 29, 2024

Aledade Nation – 

We recently learned that the federal government has declined to join the case U.S. ex rel. Khushwinder Singh v. Aledade, Inc. et al. That’s good news, and a decision we wholeheartedly applaud given the baseless allegations about improper coding practices and wrongful termination brought by a former Aledade employee three years ago.  We do not yet know how the full legal situation will play out but will defend ourselves vigorously if needed in a court of law. We therefore will not address any individual allegations.

We remain focused on our top priority of supporting our physician partners in their delivery of outstanding primary care, and this is an opportunity to reaffirm our ongoing commitment to compliance in all aspects of our business.  We take seriously our responsibility to maintain high standards and to educate clinicians about value-based care.  

Accurate, complete and proper diagnosis documentation requires time and effort by the patient’s primary care clinician but drives care coordination, is essential to prioritization of resources to the highest need patients, and is a requirement under ICD-10 Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. 

Recognizing there are opportunities to improve the system for everyone, Aledade has and will continue to advocate for policy changes to improve Medicare’s risk adjustment process to promote payment accuracy while also reducing unnecessary administrative burdens on clinicians. 

As a public benefit corporation, Aledade’s mission is to deliver better health, better care and lower costs, creating a health care system that is good for patients, good for practices and good for society, and I am proud of the work we do every day to achieve all three aspects of our mission.  

In Service,
