
Aledade Improves Care, Lowers Costs, and Expands Partnership with West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA)

November 25, 2020

Bethesda, MD —Today, Aledade, Inc. announced an expanded partnership with the West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) that will continue to provide high-quality care to West Virginia state and public school employees. In this expanded partnership, seven local Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) will care for West Virginia PEIA members through Aledade’s West Virginia Health Center Accountable Care Organization (ACO). This addition of a second ACO partnership follows the success of Aledade’s West Virginia ACO, made up of a dozen local practices, improving the quality of care while controlling costs for the West Virginia PEIA and its members in 2017.

“West Virginia’s teachers and those who serve in its state government deserve the best health care at the best price. Last year, Aledade’s network of primary care practices in West Virginia did that by successfully lowering costs and improving the quality of care. We are eager to expand this innovative partnership with the West Virginia PEIA to bring these positive results to state and public school employees,” said Ahmed Haque, vice president of provider networks at Aledade.

Through this renewed agreement, both Aledade West Virginia ACO and Aledade West Virginia Health Center ACO will continue to improve the quality of care for more than 11,000 West Virginia PEIA plan members.

In one year, the Aledade West Virginia ACO prevented over 350 unnecessary hospitalizations and helped avoid over 400 emergency room visits by caring for patients in their primary care physician’s office. In addition, West Virginia PEIA members cared for by the ACO practices spent 550 more days at home, instead of in a skilled nursing facility, and saw their primary care physician 10 percent more often.

“I’m very encouraged by the results we achieved last year,” said Dr. Jonathan Lilly, vice chairman of the Aledade West Virginia ACO and family physician in Dunbar, WV. “State and public school employees were the true beneficiaries of the high-quality care delivered by physicians across our network, and I know Aledade doctors look forward to building on this partnership with PEIA.”

In addition to its success with the West Virginia PEIA, the Aledade West Virginia ACO delivered better care at lowers costs to its Medicare patients. In the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), the ACO saved Medicare $6.3 million and earned a quality score of 96 percent, successfully earning a shared savings payment.

Founded in 2014, Aledade’s Accountable Care network national network has grown to include nearly 300 independent physician practices across 20 Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) in 18 states that together are accountable for more than 300,000 lives and $2.5 billion in total health care. Aledade’s value-based primary care model now delivers care across all payer and patient populations, including Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and commercial health plans.

In the Aledade model, primary care physicians are provided with unparalleled regulatory expertise; best practices from Aledade’s national network of hundreds of primary care doctors; user-friendly technology and data analytics that provide visibility into the spectrum of care their patients receive outside their office; and face-to-face practice transformation support.

About Aledade
Founded in 2014, Aledade partners with independent practices, health centers and clinics to build and lead Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) anchored in primary care. Through these ACOs, Aledade empowers physicians to stay independent, practice medicine like they’ve always wanted to, and thrive financially by keeping people healthy. Aledade offers a comprehensive range of capabilities that include cutting-edge data analytics, user-friendly guided workflows, unparalleled regulatory expertise, strong payer relationships, and local, hands-on support from attentive experts. In true alignment with its partners, Aledade shares in the risk and reward across all of its 30 value-based governmental and commercial contracts covering more than 300,000 lives in 18 states. To learn more, visit or follow on Twitter or Facebook.

For more information regarding Aledade, contact:
(202) 792-7200