
Farzad Mostashari on the 2022 Results for the Medicare Shared Savings Program

August 24, 2023

On August 24, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the final results for the Medicare Shared Savings Program in performance year 2022.

Our co-founder and CEO, Dr. Farzad Mostashari, shared his initial thoughts on what this news means for Aledade, the practices we serve, the Medicare program, and the entire health care system:

“Today’s Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) results prove that once again MSSP continues to be a success for patients, health care professionals and American taxpayers. After 10 years, one thing is clear – allowing primary care to assume accountability for the total cost and quality of care for their patients works. It works for patients who get access to more informed, more engaged, more proactive primary care. It works for practices who are able to maintain their clinical autonomy and thrive financially. And it works for the Medicare program, which is achieving the promise of better care at lower cost.

Our mission at Aledade is to scale these models to as many patients and practices as possible.

As part of the Aledade network, primary care doctors and their staff have been able to deliver on their promises and provide proactive and preventative care for patients, while generating savings in the process.

Since its inception, Aledade has brought in more than $650 million in savings directly to community primary care practices and generated $1.2 billion in Medicare shared savings. As a result, physician practices working with us have been able to address workforce shortages, develop new programs for patient outreach and care, and identify new solutions to serve their communities.

We are committed to working with CMS to grow program innovation and participation that improves patient health care experiences and outcomes while saving taxpayer dollars.”