Aledade Kicks Off 2022 Advocacy Efforts With Health Care Value Week
January 7, 2022

By Casey Korba, Director of Policy

January 24-28, 2022, is Health Care Value Week – an opportunity to celebrate the progress made to date in value-based care and chart a path forward on key legislative and regulatory priorities. During the week, a diverse group of stakeholders, including Aledade, will come together to host virtual events featuring health care executives and policymakers in the Administration and Congress to discuss payment and delivery system transformation models that have been at the core of quality improvement, addressing health inequities, and reducing costs. (All Value Week sessions are free and open to the public, and you can register for sessions here).

Aledade will be participating in three sessions during the event:

  • Monday, Jan. 24, at 1:30 pm ET: Aledade Co-founder and CEO Farzad Mostashari will participate in a panel discussing the future of primary care innovation during the Value-Based Payment Summit. Register here.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 10:15 am ET: Aledade Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Policy Officer Sean Cavanaugh will interview Meena Seshamani, Director, Center for Medicare at CMS with a focus on CMS Medicare Reform Updates. Register here.
  • Thursday, Jan. 27, at noon ET: The focus will shift to the Hill on Thursday when members of Congress will hear from Aledade Deputy Medical Officer Susan Huang, MD, MS, and other physicians in a live Congressional panel, “Incenting Value: How Congress Can Accelerate Health Care Innovation.” This session will focus on encouraging Congress to advance value-based care through legislation extending the MACRA AAPM bonus, a critical goal to ensure there continue to be incentives for practices to participate in advanced payment models. Register here.

While Value Week provides the opportunity for primary care and value-based care stakeholders to spread the message on value-based care, Aledade’s advocacy efforts will continue throughout the year. We will build on our policy wins such as ensuring that downside risk works for independent practices in the Pathways to Success program; and shifting the annual benchmark to reflect regional trends rather than national trends. We will continue to focus on real-world issues that impact independent primary care practices and community health centers (CHCs), such as fixing the rural glitch, and advocating for necessary changes to telehealth policies. We will also continue to advocate for two bipartisan bills which would strengthen ACOs to move forward: The Value in Health Care Act and the Accountable Care in Rural America Act.

Ultimately, legislators and regulators want health care to work in their communities. In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to reach out and build relationships with the legislators we met with during our Hill Day in August and those who engaged with us during Value Week. Presenting the many problems we have to confront in the health care system is the first step. We have found the best path forward to making policy changes is to provide evidence-based, specific, and reasonable solutions that are driven by data as well as the experiences of our physicians, clinicians, and field teams. Your voice is invaluable to these efforts, and we hope you will join us in driving our message forward during Health Care Value Week (click here to register) and throughout the year.